Candidate Statements
February 14, 2025
Many artists value individuality, pushing boundaries, and defying norms but without security, creativity suffers. That’s why I stepped into ADG leadership—to protect our freedom as artists and secure financial stability for every member. I also believe in doing what’s right and standing up for our fellow artists to ensure that our voices shape the future of our industry.
The National Executive Director listens to the voices of our members, translates their needs into actionable terms, and works tirelessly with the organizations we contract with to safeguard fair wages, rights, and working conditions. I honor the legacy of those who built this union and also connect with and represent the younger generations of artists stepping into this evolving industry. My experience bridges the past and future, ensuring that every member, from seasoned professionals to fresh voices, has a powerful ally fighting for them. I feel that if you create the space to allow artists to express themselves in the way that works for them, they will often produce truly great things.
In the next term, the role of the National Executive Director will be more critical than ever. As the industry evolves, we will need to anticipate shifts, protect creative rights, and foster an environment where our artists can thrive—both artistically and financially. It’s about championing the very people who breathe life into our industry while enforcing critical contracts.
As your candidate for National Executive Director, I’m committed to driving real progress on the issues that matter most to our members. Securing National Jurisdiction for all crafts remains a top priority. While we’ve made strides, there’s still significant ground to cover.
I envision placing a steward in every state and expanding our team of business representatives to strengthen our ability to protect our jurisdiction. This will not only enhance our representation but also demonstrate to the International our capability to enforce national jurisdiction across all crafts.
To achieve this, we must engage in meaningful dialogue with the International and collaborate with Business Representatives from other locals. Together, we can turn these goals into a reality and ensure our members receive the representation they deserve.
Protecting our work from subcontracting is another critical area that demands our focus. We must ensure that all production work is performed by union members under union contracts. While we secured a modest improvement in notification language during the last Basic Agreement negotiations, there’s much more to be done.
We need to strengthen contractual protections and aggressively combat the rise of subcontracting. This means filing grievances to enforce existing protections, submitting information requests when unnecessary subcontracting occurs, and organizing new shops and facilities to secure more union jobs.
Our fight is clear: every job should be a union job, and I am committed to leading that charge.
Together, we can build a stronger future. I ask for your vote to serve as your next National Executive Director.
In Unity,
Joel Cohen
February 7, 2025
My name is Joel Cohen, please vote for me for National Executive Director (NED). I’ve been honored to serve as Associate National Executive Director (ANED) from 2022 to 2025, which I feel is the best training ground for NED candidates because it requires most of the same responsibilities.
Over the past 20 years in Local 800, I’ve held two terms as Trustee, served six years as Field Representative, eight years on the International Safety Committee, and three years as a Flexplan Trustee. I attend the Labor Law & Labor Arbitration Conference yearly. I recently completed a course in labor law at Cornell university, school of industrial and labor relations, to better support our members.
Key Accomplishments as ANED
● Contract Negotiations: Negotiated and finalized agreements for all Local 800-held contracts that were outdated and disorganized before my tenure.
● Contract Improvements: Developed language for double-up days and site-survey safety issues, ultimately incorporated in the Basic Agreement.
● Grievances: Reinstated the use of grievances while protecting national jurisdiction and reducing executive spending.
● Steward Integration: Initiated integrating stewards in every state.
● Fair Representation: Represented every member equally.
● Leadership Through Crises: Guided our union through COVID, industry shutdowns, and the recent Los Angeles fires.
● Member Engagement: Addressed subcontracting concerns and held membership meetings in the office.
● Member Support: Enhanced the Members Hours Program, helped hundreds maintain health insurance.
● Union Outreach: Secured a dedicated Commercial Field Representative and strengthened ties with other unions.
● Education & Resources: Expanded education funds in-house.
I’ve been tasked to cover duties of the Director of Operations while maintaining my role as ANED for over 8 months. In doing so, saved the guild money by not filling the position, reduced staff overtime, cut unnecessary vendor spending, improved IT hardware and management, and introduced a vital HR component that can be shared with other locals to reduce costs.
My Vision as NED
● Expand Representation: Expand national jurisdictions for all crafts and Advocate for additional representatives and explore a viable plan for a Business Representative in each craft.
● Support Production & Incentives: Monitor the expanding global market and help shape national incentives to keep production in the U.S., protecting California’s “Lights, Camera, Jobs” budget announced by the governor.
● Negotiations: Negotiate a Production Designer Occupation code.
● Collaborate Transparently: Work closely with the Board of Directors on major expenditures.
● Develop AI Protections: Build on contract protections for AI and emerging technologies.
● Lead Bargaining: Maintain transparency and inclusion while leading all contract bargaining committees.
● Organize New Opportunities: Recruit new shops and facilities to broaden work possibilities for members.
● Modernize Operations: Increase accountability and efficiency in office processes.
I’ve worked alongside our current NED for nearly a decade, helping navigate every challenge and milestone. I’m proud of how far we’ve come, and I respectfully ask for your support so we can continue moving forward together.
Thank you for your consideration.
In Unity,
Joel Cohen